North Jersey Villages

Quote of the Month

Why are people afraid of getting older? You feel wiser. You feel more mature. You feel like you know yourself better. You would trade that for softer skin? Not me!

- Anna Kournikova

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GRNN Garden Party Event

Glen Rock Neighborhood Network hosted an enchanting garden party on June 27, courtesy of a Glen Rock resident. Glen Rock older adults were treated to delicious sandwiches, desserts and beverages, along with a tour of beautiful gardens that are home to native plants. Longtime friendships were enjoyed, while new friendships were made. GRNN’s launch in January 2025, was the talk of the party! GRNN looks forward to having its volunteers provide services such as simple repairs, transportation and social activities to their older adult members, allowing them to age comfortably and safely at home.

GRNN garden party

View the 2021 GRNN kick off event video.

An Age-Friendly "Virtual Village' For Township?

Kathy Kuzma, executive director of North Jersey Villages, and Eddie Wiener, a North Jersey Villages board member, made brief presentations at the Sept. 6th Washington Township Council meeting and a Sept. 28th meeting of local residents at the public library.

Council member Daisy Velez, also the town's public affairs director, said at the Sept. 6th council meeting that she is hoping to bring the "Villages" initiative to town to help local seniors age at home and engage older adults and youth as volunteers to assist older residents...  (See meeting video)

FREE Multi Lingual Classes Offered On-line

The GetSetUp platform offers live classes taught by peers who are experts in their field, social hours hosted by community members, and special events with speakers who directly address areas of interest to older adults. Older New Jerseyans can choose from more than 500 available classes on a range of topics such as aging in place, computers, budgeting, mental fitness, and more. Classes are offered in English, Spanish, Hindi and Mandarin. Classes are available 24 hours a day. To reach the New Jersey GetSetUp site, visit

On NJV's event calendar, there is a link to GetSetUp which offers classes from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.  Sign up is free... choose your class and book it!  (link to

If you are interested in being a Guide to share your expertise on a topic for one of these sessions, there is an application available. (Link)

NJV On Local TV & YouTube

This video is about the “Village” movement and the NJV HUB Village for Bergen County residents age 60+ choosing to age at home.

YouTube: All previously recorded programs can be found on the NJV YouTube channel.

Your Five Wishes ...

Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have heard about so many people who suddenly found themselves in the ICU… Do you wonder if they thought about or planned for a medical emergency such as Covid-19 pandemic- or even a car accident - could precipitate? Does it raise questions about how you could plan in advance  for your care if ever you could not speak for yourself – as a result of an unexpected medical emergency or even deterioration of your cognitive function? (Read more...)

Amiri Hayes Receives The President's Volunteer Service Award

Amiri Hayes receiving his President's Volunteer Service Award Group Photo
NJV Board members Kathy Kuzma, Janet Chen & George Kuzma (on left), Amiri Hayes (center), Township Mayor Peter Calamari, Councilwoman Daisy Velez, NJV Board member Eddie Weiner (on right)

Janet Chen, North Jersey Villages (NJV) Founding Trustee, presented the President’s Volunteer Service Award to Amiri Hayes for his outstanding volunteer work as a member of NJV’s IT Team under the management of volunteer Columbus Kim. The presentation was made at an NJV event discussing more feasibly “Aging at Home” at the Washington Township Library on September 28th.

When joining NJV, Amiri wrote in his profile, “I believe in the concept of independent living and socially connecting models – to support seniors. My grandmother is 87... (read more)

Turning Away From Nursing Homes, To What?

The NJV HUB Village is one of the 270 villages cited in a recent New York Times article about options to institutional care…

“Innovations are also occurring nationally at the grassroots level.  A network of nonprofit 'villages' devoted to providing support and a social network to people who want to age in their homes has been growing for years; it has 270 member groups and 70 more in development. Villages typically cover a specific neighborhood or town, but they are virtual support organizations.  ‘It’s really a neighbors helping neighbors approach,’ said Barbara Hughes Sullivan, the network’s national director.” (Read more...

Open to residents age 60 and over, the NJV HUB Village can provide this neighborly support and a social network for those who choose to age in their homes in Bergen County. Join us…