North Jersey Villages

Quote of the Month

It seems to me that if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember our dying and try so to live that our death brings no pleasure on the world.

- “East of Eden”

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North Jersey Villages (NJV) Mission

To establish and support local communities of members, multi-generational volunteers, and service providers to enable seniors to remain living at home with an enhanced quality of life by facilitating access to affordable support services, social connections, and enrichment opportunities as initiated by its members and in cooperation with existing programs.

History of NJV


Benefits of a Village


Board of Directors


Neighbor Network Kick-Off in Glen Rock!

A group of residents invites all Glen Rockers to explore a neighbor for neighbor movement that allows seniors to maintain a vibrant quality of life as they live longer. Sixty residents came out for the events - to hear about and share their input on the concept of a neighborhood network for those choosing to age at home in Glen Rock.

Residents Donna Feigenbaum and Teresa Gilbreath lead the event describing a network that gives seniors easier access to information on senior resources as well as finding ways to fill gaps in existing services.

Kathy McCann, who attended the first event and said, "The Village concept provides me with the hope and confidence to face the challenge of advancing senior years. It’s a well-designed, community-based idea…"

This network concept is part of a Village Movement in over 360 US communities composing the Village-to-Village Network.  North Jersey Villages, representing this movement in the Bergen County area, is sponsoring these information sessions.

To view a video of the event visits: GR Neighborhood Network: The Concept. Questions? Contact Donna Feigenbaum 201-575-0816 or visit

On Exit 168

North Jersey Villages (NJV) had an interview on WCTV program Exit 168 about the village movement and NJV & Bergen County Senior Services here in Bergen County.