North Jersey Villages

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Benefits of a Membership in a Village

  • Assistance in accessing and augmenting existing services (i.e., local transportation, social and educational activities and trips, health and wellness programs, safety checks, home repairs and remodeling for aging in place, as well as daily living assistance as needed)
  • Access to vetted and discounted service providers
  • Stimulating thinking about and accessing avenues to affordable housing options (i.e., shared and co-housing), new hobbies, travel opportunities, and more
  • Phone concierge service available for members who are not computer savvy to assist them in accessing information about events or services
  • Access to a small paid staff and/or volunteers dedicated to a member's local virtual village of no more than 125 members (and limited by maintaining a workable ratio of staff/volunteers to members/levels of service provided within a village).
  • Insurance of benefits when needed and providing a sense of belonging rather than "seeking a handout" when using benefits
  • Volunteer opportunities to help other members and/or to build and maintain their local village
  • Increasing contact with others within the community
  • Member's volunteer hours can be banked to be used in the future for services or programs
  • Levels within Membership can reflect levels of participation desired or services required